
class DraftingPens(pens=None)
ambit(th=False, tv=False)

Get the calculated rect boundary of the DraftingPens; th means (t)rue (h)orizontal; ty means (t)rue (v)ertical; passing either ignores a non-bounds-derived frame in either dimension

attr(key='default', field=None, **kwargs)

Set a style attribute on the pen.


Calculated bounds of a DraftingPens


Close the current sub path. You must call either pen.closePath() or pen.endPath() after each sub path.

collapse(levels=100, onself=False)

AKA flatten in some programming contexts, though flatten is a totally different function here that flattens outlines; this function flattens nested collections into one-dimensional collections


Get a completely new copy of this whole set of pens, usually done so you can duplicate and further modify a DATPens without mutating the original


End the current sub path, but don’t close it. You must call either pen.closePath() or pen.endPath() after each sub path.


Noop on a set


(f)ind the (f)irst (g)lyph named this name

fft(tag, fn=None)

(f)ind the (f)irst (t)agged with tag

filter(fn: Callable[[int, drafting.pens.draftingpen.DraftingPen], bool])

Filter top-level pen(s)

flatten(levels=100, onself=False)

AKA flatten in some programming contexts, though flatten is a totally different function here that flattens outlines; this function flattens nested collections into one-dimensional collections

frameSet(th=False, tv=False)

All the frames of all the pens


Pluck glyphs named glyph_name

interleave(style_fn, direction=- 1, recursive=True)

Provide a callback-lambda to interleave new DATPens between the existing ones; useful for stroke-ing glyphs, since the stroked glyphs can be placed behind the primary filled glyphs.

map(fn: Callable[[int, drafting.pens.draftingpen.DraftingPen], Optional[drafting.pens.draftingpen.DraftingPen]])

Apply fn to all top-level pen(s) in this set; if fn returns a value, it will overwrite the pen it was given as an argument; fn lambda receives idx, p as arguments


Same as filter but (m)utates this DATPens to now have only the filtered pens

mmap(fn: Callable[[int, drafting.pens.draftingpen.DraftingPen], None])

Apply fn to all top-level pen(s) in this set but do not look at return value; first m in mmap stands for mutate; fn lambda receives idx, p as arguments


A flat representation of this set as a single pen


Filter all pens, recursively


Apply fn to all individal pens, recursively


remove a pen from these pens by identify, or by tag if a string is passed


Remove blank pens


Reverse the order of the pens; useful for overlapping glyphs from the left-to-right rather than right-to-left (as is common in OpenType applications)


Round all values for all pens in this set to nearest multiple of rounding value (rather than places, as in round)


Yield all top-level pens tagged w/ tag

track(t, v=False)

Track-out/distribute elements

track_to_rect(rect, pullToEdges=False, r=0)

Distribute pens evenly within a frame

transform(transform, transformFrame=True)

Perform an arbitrary transformation on the pen, using the fontTools Transform class.

tree(out=None, depth=0)str

Hierarchical string representation